worldroot - Distributed Namespace Root Server

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worldroot - Replicated root server for the distributed namespace used by the KOE.


worldroot [-f] [-h] [-n name] [-p port] [-q] [-s] [-v]


The worldroot server manages a local version of the top two levels of the distributed KOE namespace. A single worldroot server is generally shared between all KSSs at a local site. We will call a collection of KSSs that share a worldroot server a ``cluster.'' The worldroots of different clusters (called worldroot peers) exchange information about updates so they all share the same view of the world. Updates propagate asynchronously so clusters may temporarily have different views of the world. This is intentional, since synchronous updates wouldn't scale to a KOE with zillions of clusters.

For testing purposes, it is often useful to run a cluster in isolation (i.e. not linked to other clusters). By default, the worldroot server runs this way. To operate with a shared namespace, the worldroot must be configured with the names of peer worldroot servers.


The worldroot program supports the following command line options.

By default, worldroot checks for the presence of the file var/worldroot.sbh (see below), which normally exists only when a worldroot server is running. If the file is found, the worldroot will not start. Occasionally, a worldroot server may exit without removing this file; in this situation the -f option skips the check.

Print a help message and exit. (The same response is triggered by specifying an invalid command line option.)

-n name
Specify an alternative name for the worldroot server, which is also interpreted as the cluster's name. The name is used in two places: as the ILU server name, which affects the SBHs of objects created by the worldroot server, and as the peer name in the replication process, which appears in the first column of var/ (see below). The default orldroot server name is the full host name of the machine it runs on.

-p port
Specify an alternative TCP port for the ILU server. This is only needed to allow two worldroot servers to run on the same machine, e.g. for testing purposes. The default port is 7438.

Operate in quiet mode. In this mode, only error messages are printed. By default, some informative messages and warnings are also printed, especially during startup. Note: -v and -q are mutually exclusive.

Run a "sweep" operation before entering full service mode. See below for a full description.

Operate in verbose mode. In this mode, the server prints messages about many events. By repeating the option, the server can be made even mode verbose. Note: -v and -q are mutually exclusive.


The worldroot server uses the following files. All filenames are relative to the $KOSROOT directory.

Directives in this file determine the hosts that are acceptable as peers (<Limit WORLDROOTPEER>) and the hosts that can shut the worldroot server down (<Limit WORLDROOTSHUTDOWN>). See the documentation on security issues for syntax and implications.

On startup, the worldroot server writes the SBH of its root context to this file. The file is removed on exit, to signal to starting service stations that no worldroot server is running. The worldroot server refuses to run if this file is present on startup, unless the -f option is given. The SBH does not change between invocations, but it does depend on the values specified for the -p and -n options, and on the fingerprints of the object types defined in the WorldAPI ISL file.

On startup, the worldroot server writes the SBH of its worldroot replicator object to this file. The SBH is used to configure worldroot peers; it must be manually copied into the peers table (see below) of the peer. The SBH does not change between invocations, but it does depend on the values specified for the -p and -n options, and on the fingerprints of the object types defined in the WorldAPI ISL file.

Table of peer replicators. On startup, the worldroot server reads this file to find the names and SBHs of its worldroot peers. It also adds its own name and SBH. If no peers table is found, the worldroot server starts off in stand-alone mode. If another worldroot servers connects and the connection is allowed by the access.conf configuration, it will be added to the peers table.

The file format is as follows: each line contains two whitespace-delimited fields. The first field is the name of a peer, the second is the last known SBH of its worldroot replicator. Blank lines and lines whose first non-blank character is a hash sign (comments) are ignored. Other lines that do not contain exactly 2 files are flagged as errors and ignored.

It is not necessary to specify all known worldroot servers as peers. It is sufficient that the peer-to-peer relationships define a bidirectional connected graph. For redundancy, it makes sense to have at least two peers so that a server is not isolated when its only peer goes down. Cycles in the graph are not a problem; updates received more than once are ignored and are not propagated further.

Database containing the current state of the namespace contexts maintained by this server. This database is used for persistence in the face of worldroot server crashes, and is consulted before recovery information from peer servers is gathered. The filename extension(s) (if any) depends on the database module used; depending on which module is provided by the Python configuration, it can use either dbm, gdbm, or the BSD hash table library.

Stand-alone Operation

A cluster's worldroot needs to be running when a new KSS is started. Normally the koeboot utility starts the worldroot before starting any service stations.

The worldroot server only manages the top two hierarchical levels in the KOE namespace: the root context and the contexts immediately below it (for an explanation of the concept of a namespace context, see the nstools module). In the current implementation, the root context cannot be modified. It contains four standard contexts named "kos", "tools", "types" and "replicators", which are used as follows:

This context contains entries for each KSS in the KOE. (As the KOE grows, the namespace will start using a separate context for each cluster and group clusters together in a hierarchy for scalability and ease of management.)

This context contains entries for KOE-wide tools like the visualizer. (Again, for scaling purposes, this will be replaced by a hierarchy.)

Currently not used. It is planned to have a replicated type registry for ILU ISL files here.

The collection of all known worldroot servers, for purposes of the sweep operation described below (see the -s option).

It is possible to restart the worldroot server after service stations have started, e.g. if the worldroot crashed. The namespace contexts run by the worldroot will be inaccessible while the server is being restarted. As a result, KP operations like migrate() will raise exceptions (because the "kos" context is unavailable). The service stations, however, will survive a temporary worldroot service interruption however.

Replicated Operation

Replicated operation is triggered by the presence of one or more peer servers in var/ (described above). In replicated operation, any updates in the contexts managed by a worldroot server are asynchronously propagated to all its currently reachable peers. Updates received from one peer are propagated to all other peers.

Let's consider a simple example with two clusters, A and B. When a program in cluster A does a lookup of "kos/monty" relative to the worldroot context, its request will be processed by the worldroot server for cluster A; likewise in cluster B. The lookups are completely independent; if cluster B is unreachable, it doesn't affect the lookup in cluster A at all. Both lookups, however, will come up with an SBH for the same object. The object is not replicated; it might live in either cluster, or in a third cluster. The object must be alive and reachable in order to use it, but not to look it up.

Now let's look at an update made to a context managed by a worldroot server. Assume that a new KSS "repoman" is added to cluster A. When it is started, the KSS makes a call to its cluster's worldroot server to create a binding for "kos/repoman". When the worldroot server replies, it has added the binding to its local copy of the "kos" context and stored it in its current state database (var/wr-currentdb*, see below). The worldroot server propagates this update to all its peers, who propagate it too all their peers, and so on, until it has spread to the entire KOE. During the time it takes for the update to propagate, it is possible that a lookup of "kos/repoman" will fail on some clusters and succeed on others. This inconsistency is temporary: As long as all peers remain connected, they will receive the update eventually.

When a worldroot server is down, it can miss updates. Therefore, when a worldroot server starts up, it first reconstructs its state from its local database (var/wr-currentdb*, see above) and then connects to its peers and asks them to retransmit the updates that it has missed. Updates received during recovery are not propagated to other peers. It is therefore possible, though not very likely, that some updates are not propagated across the entire KOE. The KOE-wide sweep operation, described in the next section, can correct the resulting inconsistency.

The Sweep Operation

A KOE-wide sweep operation is initiated by starting any worldroot server with the -s option. During a sweep, updates are collected from all known worldroot servers, processed, and then distributed back to all participating servers. After the sweep all participants are synchronized in their view of the world. The sweep operation does not just operate on the collection of peers found in var/; instead, it accesses all known worldroot servers. This collection is found in the "replicators" context of the KOE namespace. The sweep operation can only succeed when all participating servers are up. If there is a failure, the sweep operation is aborted and the initiating server transitions into normal service mode.

Sweeps can be expensive. Normally sweeps are not necessary because the recovery information exchanged with peers at server startup time (including after crashes) should bring a server's world view up to date. Pathological situations are possible, however, when updates are not propagated due to extended down time of several servers or network connections. Sweeps take care of recovery after such failures.

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Copyright © 1998 by the Corporation for National Research Initiatives.